Submitting a Comment to the FDA
The FDA is required to accept comments on important issues, including Citizens Petitions such as the one we filed on May 24th. Please read these instructions carefully to make sure your comment is recorded and has the maximum impact.
Please remember, this is about the LAW, not just about health effects!
This is about FDA’s legal obligation to evaluate how people are being exposed, and to develop techniques for minimizing that exposure. Tell your story, but link it to FDA's failure and how that failure may have impacted your life.
It’s the FDA that is supposed to be measuring radiation levels in school classrooms, and promoting best practices to minimize the exposure to our kids.
It’s the FDA that is supposed to be warning utilities and consumers about smart meters, mandating opt-out policies and helping people reduce their exposures.
It’s the FDA this is supposed to be promoting point-of-purchase warnings about cell phones, routers, game consoles, tablets, wearables and all other wireless devices.
It’s the FDA that is supposed to be collecting information about adverse reactions to RF radiation exposure.
The FDA is flagrantly defying the law. And they’ll keep doing it if no one complains. The agency needs to hear from you now. Today.

FDA Headquarters in Silver Spring, MD
On the drop-down menu asking "What is your comment about?" enter "Individual Consumer"
FDA has never measured exposures in classrooms
FDA hasn't tested the effects of high bursts of radiation.
Will you contribute to our Legal Fund?
Legal action is expensive. We're doing our best to keep expenses to a minimum, but we do have bills that need to be paid. We depend on contributions from concerned individuals to fund our efforts to protect public health. Please consider making a donation to help cover our legal expenses for this effort. Thank you.