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Starting Your Own Group

Starting your own group to push back against 5G is easier than you think. Of course, we recommend joining up with any groups in your own area before you start your own, but if no one else is picking up the ball, it may be up to you.


Here are six steps to get you started:


1. Learn the facts about 5G. Visit to read some of the latest scientific studies on wireless exposure and human health. Environmental Health Trust is a great resource for information on 5G, as is the website of one of our local groups, Citizens for 5G Awareness. Both groups have good fliers you can use.  For beginners, is a good place to start.


2. Watch "Generation Zapped." This powerful documentary film covers the basics of wireless radiation and its impacts on people. You can buy or stream the video online. We recommend you get your own copy so you can show it to friends. See note below about public showings. 

3. Invite some friends over to watch the video with you. We've found that this documentary, which features many of the scientific experts working on wireless radiation exposure, really helps to focus attention on the problem and inspires people to action. After the film is over, ask who would like to be involved in an on-going basis to help protect your community from involuntary exposure to wireless radiation. Collect email addresses and promise to be in touch.

4. Start a Facebook Group page and invite all the members of your group to like the page and share it with neighbors. Make sure to include the name of your community in the name of your page, and keep the name positive ("Smithtown Citizens for Safe Technology").


5. Print out flyers with the name and web address of your group, and hand them out at public events, town meetings, school events, street fairs, and other places where people congregate. You will be surprised how many people share your concern about 5G and will want to learn more. Encourage them to join your group. (For some sample flyers, click here.)

6. Organize a showing of Generation Zapped at your local library. This should be done once your group has reached a certain size (25?). Invite the community, write a letter to the editor of your local paper, and make sure everyone in your group brings a friend. Please be respectful of the filmmakers' rights. You must secure a license for a public showing of the film. Visit the film website for more information


Remember to always post about your activities and events on social media. As ironic as it may be, the (wired) internet is our best organizing tool!


Stay in touch with us and let us know how we can help you!

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