Our Legal Petition to the FDA
On December 21, Americans for Responsible Technology filed a historic legal petition with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The petition sets out the reasons why FDA should immediately issue an "Imminent Hazard" declaration regarding public exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless devices and infrastructure ("wireless radiation") in the absence of APA-compliant health-based standards from the FDA.
We were advised in this legal action by attorneys from The Balance Group, and joined by co-petitioners Environmental Health Trust, Consumers for Safe Cell Phones, California Brain Tumor Association, Manhattan Neighbors for Safer Telecommunications, Tahoe Stewards, Sally Jewell Coxe and Robert Strayton.
Our case for immediate action is built on four principle arguments:
• Public exposure to wireless radiation is growing at an exponential rate.
• The FDA has not conducted a high-level evaluation of the science in accordance with federal requirements.
• There is a widespread public misconception that the FDA has in fact, conducted such an evaluation and found wireless devices and infrastructure to be safe.
• More and more people are reporting serious health problems linked with exposure to wireless radiation.
Public comments supporting our petition are critical to helping us convince the FDA to take action. The FDA has opened a "docket" on our petition, and you are welcome to share your thoughts about this legal action on the FDA website. Our docket number is FDA-2021-P-1347. A link to the comment page is below. See some sample comments.
Here are a few tips about submitting comments:
1. Tell your story. Your personal stories of how wireless radiation has affected your life and the lives of others you know are critical to helping the FDA (and the court) understand the scope and breadth of the problem.
2. Be specific. Try not to generalize about how wireless may be affecting others; be as specific as you can about actual harm. If you've suffered financial loss, be sure to mention it.
3. Be respectful. This is a legal forum and your comments will be made public.

Making Comments to the FDA
••• When asked what your comment is about, please enter "Individual Consumer."
Thank you for helping us inform the FDA about the hazards of exposure to wireless radiation that many Americans are experiencing every day.